Should You Get Breast Augmentation Before Having Kids?

Many women may decide to have breast implants for different reasons. Once you decide to get a breast augmentation, the next concern may be about the best time to do it. Some women may be concerned if they should get the procedure before or after childbirth. The answer to this question varies. Dr. plant will consider different factors before giving his recommendation.

In many cases, women will get breast implants whenever they want, which means that it is up to a woman to decide if she can get the implants before or after children. However, for a woman who is ready to become a mother and she plans to have a child in less than a year, it is better to wait first and to get the procedure done after childbirth. It does not mean that the implants may pose any risks to the baby, but it is to ensure that your results are maximized. However, if you do not plan to have children in the near future or ever, then you can get the procedure done whenever you want.

While having breast implants and planning to have a baby, you should keep the following in your mind:

The safety of breast implants

As it happens with other surgeries, breast implants come with some risks. However, if you consult a qualified doctor before the surgery, you will be more confident that the procedure will be safe. In addition to the safety of the mother, breast implants do not cause any birth defects in the baby during the pregnancy or after birth.

Milk production

Even if it is safe to get implants before giving birth, you have to be aware that it may affect the ability of the breasts to produce milk. However, Dr. Plant can advise you on the right incision, implant placement, and implant type that will allow you to breastfeed in the future.

The results from breast augmentation

The results you got from breast augmentation will change when you get pregnant. Pregnancy and breastfeeding lead to increased breast size, which can cause some sagging that may affect your results. However, it will depend on your age, how long you have had the implants, and your skin laxity.

Dr. plant can meet with you to discuss your goals and plans for the future to determine if it is a good time for your breast augmentation procedure. To schedule your consultation, contact our office.

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