Six Things Not to Do After Breast Augmentation

While breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure year after year, many patients are becoming interested in methods of increasing the size of their breasts that don’t involve implants. One alternative to breast implants is fat transfer, also known as fat grafting. There are some common questions about fat transfer breast augmentation, including how While breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure year after year, many patients are becoming interested in methods of increasing the size of their breasts that don’t involve implants. One alternative to breast implants is fat transfer, also known as fat grafting. There are some common questions about fat transfer breast augmentation, including how While breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure year after year, many patients are becoming interested in methods of increasing the size of their breasts that don’t involve implants. One alternative to breast implants is fat transfer, also known as fat grafting. There are some common questions about fat transfer breast augmentation, including how While breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic procedure year after year, many patients are becoming interested in methods of increasing the size of their breasts that don’t involve implants. One alternative to breast implants is fat transfer, also known as fat grafting. There are some common questions about fat transfer breast augmentation, including how

Dr. Plant Nominated for 2024 Toronto Star Readers’ Choice Awards


Dr. Plant Nominated for 2023 Toronto Star Readers’ Choice Awards

We Made The List! We are absolutely thrilled and honored to share some exciting news…we have been nominated in not just one,


Unveiling the Beauty Within: Selfie Contest

Join the #BodyByDrPlant Selfie Contest and Win! Dr. Plant firmly believes in the power of cosmetic surgery to empower individuals
