Sleeping Position, Plastic Surgery, and You: Why It Matters

If you’re opting for plastic surgery, the date of the actual procedure can feel like your “big day”. But, what you do after your procedure is nearly as important for ensuring you get the results you want. This is particularly the case for procedures performed on the face, neck, and upper body. In fact, the type of surgery will dictate which sleep positions are ideal and which should remain off-limits until the end of your recovery. While all of our patients receive a detailed instruction package before surgery,  here’s the basics of what to keep in mind for each type of procedure.

Facial and Neck Procedures

This type of procedure can include the facelift, neck lift, or rhinoplasty. The major risk after these types of procedures is nighttime swelling. For this reason, lying down as you normally would needs to be avoided. Instead, you should always maintain a position that keeps your head above your heart.

In this case, it means you should sleep slightly upright, with your head and neck fully supported as needed by pillows and cushions. Sleeping in a la-z-boy chair is also a great option.This way, you ensure that blood flows down and minimizes the swelling in the treatment area.

Body Procedures

For a procedure that involves the breasts, chest, arms, or abdomen, your goal is to maintain at least a full 45-degree angle of your head to your body. Often, the best way to achieve this is to sleep in a chair that can recline back slightly. You can use pillows to support your body and keep you in position on your back throughout the night. Sleeping on your stomach or side is a no-no, especially with breast augmentation, since it can take a few weeks for sufficient scar tissue to form around the new implants. Sleeping on your side can also put pressure on your incisions.

Butt Procedures

If you have had a Brazilian butt lift, finding the safest sleep position can be challenging since you’ll want as many of the newly transferred fat cells to survive as possible. To help these fat cells become established for the long-term, you’ll need to avoid placing any pressure on the area while you sleep.

This means you’ll need to sleep on your stomach since fat is usually transferred to the hips as well, which means sleeping on your side is out. This can be challenging if you normally sleep on your back, but it can be helpful to use as many pillows as needed to keep yourself in place.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about what to expect from your plastic surgery procedure with Dr. Plant during a private consultation, contact our Toronto office by calling or filling out our online form.

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